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 文章主題 : 日本(Japan)廣島縣(Hiroshima county嚴島神社(Itsukushima Shinto Shrine)
文章發表於 : 2012年 1月 25日, 23:26 

註冊時間: 2009年 1月 14日, 06:05
文章: 1422
日本(Japan)廣島縣(Hiroshima county)嚴島神社(Itsukushima Shinto Shrine)
(維基百科 http://zh.wikipedia.org/)

嚴島神社一般是指位於日本廣島縣廿日市市[1]境內島嶼 —— 嚴島(舊名宮島)的神社。神社創建於約公元593年,擁有約一千四百年的歷史,為日本國內其他約五百座嚴島神社的總本社。神社主要祭奉日本紀記神話中的宗像三女神(市杵島姬命、田心姬命、湍津姬命)。嚴島神社修築於瀨戶內海海濱的潮間帶上,神社前方立於海中的大型鳥居是被譽為「日本三景」之一,為嚴島境內最知名的地標。嚴島神社的大部分建築結構均被日本政府列為國寶,神社亦收藏許多國寶級的文物。神社在1996年時與後方彌山的原始林區並列於世界遺產名單中(當中,神社屬於世界文化遺產,而彌山原始林則被列為世界自然遺產)。
Miyajima Island
Miyajima (Shrine Island) is an island of some 30sq.km in Hiroshima Bay, which opens off the Inland Sea. Along with Matsushima Bay and Ama-no-hashidate it ranks among the three most celebrated stretches of coastal scenery in Japan.
From time immemorial this was a scared island on which, until Meiji Restoration, neither births nor deaths might take place and from which dogs were banned. Dogs are still not permitted, though this is now mainly for the protection of the many fallow deer on the island; and there is still no cemetery on Miyajima, so that burials must take place at Ono on the mainland, and even then the relatives of the dead must perform rites of purification before they may return to the "pure" island of Miyajima.


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